Wersja polska

1st Interdisciplinary Conference
on Perioperative Medicine,
ICPM 2023 – PRIMO First

Dwór Uphagena Arche Gdańsk, Kieturakisa 1 Street
25 March 2023


You are cordially invited to the 1st Interdisciplinary Conference on Perioperative Medicine, IKMO 2023: PRIMO, first; Lectures and workshops.

The purpose of the meeting is to provide interdisciplinary education
on the perioperative period, and to create a forum for sharing experience
by those who deal with prehabilitation and perioperative care.

The conference is addressed to professionals and practitioners of all medical specialties, who participate in patient treatment in the perioperative period: doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, dieticians, clinical psychologists.

Conference under the auspices of:

Prof. Rafał Drwiła, MD PhD, National Consultant in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy,

Polish Society of Anaesthesiology
and Intensive Therapy 

Geriatrics Section, Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy

Polish Society for Health Programmes

Conference hosts:

Perioperative Medicine Section, Polish Society for Health Programmes

Content partner: Integrated Care and e-Health Competencies Development Centre, Medical University of Gdańsk, Akademia Medycznych i Społecznych Nauk Stosowanych, Elbląg

Organiser: Szpitale Pomorskie Sp. z o.o.

Executive organiser: AsteriaMed




McGill University, Montreal, Canada,
specialist in anaesthesiology and clinical nutrition, forerunner of the prehabilitation idea and practice, and perioperative medicine in the world.


Prof. Tomasz Banasiewicz,

Poznań University of Medical Sciences,
one of the forerunners of the prehabilitation idea and practice in Poland.



  • Prof. Francesco Carli, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • Prof. Rafał Drwiła, MD PhD, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
  • Prof. Marek Dobosz, MD PhD, Medical University of Gdańsk
  • Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk, MD PhD, Medical University of Gdańsk
  • Magdalena Łasińska-Kowara, MD PhD, Szpitale Pomorskie
  • Piotr Popowski, MD PhD, Polish Society for Health Programmes, Medical University of Gdańsk
  • Katarzyna Sierakowska, MD PhD hab., Nicolaus Copernicus University, Bydgoszcz
  • Agnieszka Skrzypkowska, MA Psychology, Polish Psychologists’ Association
  • Prof. Michał O. Zembala, MBA-HHM, London, United Kingdom 


  • Prof. Anselm Bräuer, Department of Anesthesiology, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
  • Prof. Tomasz Banasiewicz, MD, PhD,
    Marcinkowski University Poznań,
  • Marta Bazańska-Janas, Physiotherapy MSc, Warsaw
  • Dominika Batycka-Stachnik, Physiotherapy PhD
    Krakowski Szpital Specjalistyczny im Jana Pawła II
  • Olgierd Bojke, MSc Physical Education, Polish Nordic Walking Federation
  • Prof. Francesco Carli, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • Maciej Ciesielski, MD PhD, Szpitale Pomorskie
  • Prof. Rafał Drwiła, MD PhD, National Consultant in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Chair and Department
    of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
  • Prof. Tomasz Gaszyński, MD PhD, Medical University of Łódź
  • Asst Prof. Chelsia Gillis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • Beata Góralska, MA Pedagogy, Szpitale Pomorskie
  • Agata Gregorkiewicz, MA Dance and Choreography, Gdańsk
  • Krzysztof Karaś, MD PhD, Baptism of Poland Memorial Hospital, Gniezno
  • Prof. Wiesław Kruszewski, MD PhD, Szpitale Pomorskie
  • Magdalena Łasińska-Kowara, MD PhD, Szpitale Pomorskie
  • Prof. Przemysław Matras, MD PhD,
    Medical University of Lublin
  • Natalia Mogiłko, MD Dietetics, Kwidzyń
  • Damian Sendrowski, MD, Voivodship Hospital in Słupsk
  • Katarzyna Sierakowska, MD PhD, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Bydgoszcz
  • Dorota Sobczyk, MD PhD, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
  • Mariusz Szajewski, MD PhD, Szpitale Pomorskie
  • Bartosz Smolec, MD, Copernicus Hospital, Gdańsk
  • Małgorzata Szczyglak, MA Psychology, psycho-oncologist, certified TRE provider, Gdańsk
  • Jakub Walczak, MD, Szpitale Pomorskie
  • Monika Wałachowska, MA PhD Law, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
  • Prof. Marcin Wąsowicz, MD PhD, Toronto
  • Mateusz Wityk, MD, Voivodship Hospital in Słupsk
  • Janusz Zdzitowiecki, MD PhD, Swissmed, Gdańsk
  • Prof. Michał O. Zembala, MBA-HHM, London, United Kingdom


Surgical treatment, as construed today, is a process, not a one-off event in the patient’s life.  Hence, a new branch of medicine is emerging – perioperative medicine.  The lectures and workshops will be devoted to various aspects of the perioperative period – nutrition, physical preparation, patient’s blood management.

Through proper preparation (prehabilitation) the treatment results can be improved, also from the perspective of the economy of health care.  Changes in the demographic structure of the society, consisting in gradual growth of the population of elderly and geriatric patients, call for implementation of the prehabilitation idea in everyday practice.


Session topics:

  • The elderly and geriatric patient in the perioperative period
  • The patient with eating disorders – obesity, sarcopenic obesity, malnutrition as the challenges of the perioperative period
  • The oncology patient – the role of prehabilitation
  • Qualification and perioperative treatment of patients with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in the light of the new guidelines

We have also invited specialists in health care organisation to discuss the options of coordinating and treating patients in the perioperative period in the as-is system.  Workshop sessions will deal with practical aspects of nutritional treatment, respiratory physiotherapy, cardiovascular fitness tests, and relaxation training.

On behalf of the Scientific and Organisation Committee
Magdalena Łasińska-Kowara

See you in the Tri-City!


Złoci sponsorzy:

Srebrni sponsorzy





Hall Bastion Miś

Opening of the conference


Agnieszka Kapała-Sokalska, member of the Pomeranian Voivodship Board

Jolanta Sobierańska-Grenda, President of the Management Board, Szpitale Pomorskie
Magdalena Łasińska-Kowara

Onset of the conference, greeting the participants

Why PRIMO – PRehabilitation, Interdisciplinary Medicine, Outcome


Inaugural lecture: Francesco Carli, Tomasz Banasiewicz
Rafał Drwiła: ESC 2022

Coffee break


The elderly and geriatric patient


Monika Wałachowska: Artificial intelligence in medicine, and telemedicine from the lawyer’s perspective

Katarzyna Sierakowska and Maciej Ciesielski: Robotic surgery. Has the world turned upside down? A discourse between a surgeon and anaesthesiologist

Anselm Bräuer: Modern perioperative thermal management in the context of the growing number of old and geriatric patients
(sponsored lecture)

Coffee break


Patient with eating disorders – obesity, malnutrition, sarcopenia


Przemysław Matras: The malnourished obese? How to prepare a patient with sarcopenic obesity for surgery?

Marta Bazańska-Janas: The role of ergospirometry in evaluating the patient’s fitness

Mateusz Wityk: Will virtual reality replace the master – how do surgeon prepare themselves for surgery?

Tomasz Gaszyński: Anaesthesiological polypragmacy in a bariatric patient – does more mean better? 

Chelsia Gillis: The synergistic role of nutrition and exercise: a pragmatic approach to presurgical optimization




The patient with a chronic disease – cardiovascular deficiency, chronic pulmonary disease


Janusz Zdzitowiecki: Coenzyme Q – supplement or medication? 

Damian Sendrowski: Pre-operative cardiological rehabilitation – is it worth fighting for? 

Magdalena Łasińska-Kowara: Post-operative respiratory complications – can they be prevented? 

Michał Zembala: Neurological complications of TAVI – can they be foreseen, can they be avoided? 

Bartosz Smolec: Perioperative antibiotic treatment. Intestinal bacteria – ally or enemy?

Coffee break


The oncological patient


Wiesław Kruszewski, Mariusz Szajewski, Jakub Walczak: Patient preparation for an oncological surgery – own experience

Beata Góralska: Therapeutic education – or: not ‘what to say’, but ‘how to say it’

Małgorzata Szczyglak: Relaxation exercises (TRE) – silent psychotherapy

Marcin Wąsowicz: Knowledge vs actually available options – patient’s blood management

Coffee break


Conference summary: How to manage preoperative preparation in the real world?


Francesco Carli: Where is the future of prehabilitation – inside or outside of the hospital?
Round table of experts and leaders

The organisers reserve the right to modify the programme.


Sala Bastion Zubr

Sala Bastion Wilk

Poster session


Chair: Tomasz Banasiewicz

Practical workshop in physiotherapy


Prehabilitation for cardiac surgery.

Leaders:  Dorota Sobczyk i Dominika Batycka-Stachnik 

Loose sportswear recommended.*

30 participants

Workshop in breathing


Ventilatory support in the perioperative period – the use of NHF.

Leader: Dominik Drobiński

30 participants

Workshop in breathing 2




March to health


MAST training (mixed aerobic and strength training) on sensorimotor discs with BungyPump poles.

Leader:  Olgierd Bojke

Loose sportswear recommended.*

10 participants

Workshop in nutrition


Prehabilitation: who for and how to implement it – from the perspective of the surgeon and dietitian.

Leaders: Krzysztof Karaś and Natalia Mogiłko

30 participants

Dance as a form of therapy


Leader: Agata Gregorkiewicz,

Loose sportswear recommended.*

20 participants

Functional testing of cardiopulmonary capacity – ergospirometry in practice


Test for 2 participants.

Leader: Marta Bazańska-Janas

Loose sportswear recommended.*

30 participants

TRE Workshop


Exercise for those living on their nerves.

Leader: Małgorzata Szczyglak

Loose sportswear recommended.*

20 participants

Workshop in nutrition​


Prehabilitation: who for and how to implement it – from the perspective of the surgeon and dietitian.

Leaders: Krzysztof Karaś and Natalia Mogiłko

30 participants

The organisers reserve the right to modify the programme.


* You can change behind a screen in the workshop hall



Kieturakisa 1 Street
80–742, Gdańsk



In programme-related matters

Magdalena Łasińska-Kowara, magda@gumed.edu.pl

In matters of organisation, participants, service for companies:

Katarzyna Kania, katarzyna.kania@asteriamed.com.pl